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Pico Genesis FX Davis

Achieve flawless, beautiful skin with PICO Genesis FX!

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  • Acne scars
  • Textural concerns
  • Aging skin
  • Pigmentation
  • Melasma

Why PICO Genesis FX?

PICO Genesis FX is a fast, in-office skin revitalization treatment designed to address skin imperfections and combat the signs of aging. From textural concerns to acne scarring, PICO Genesis FX offers a safe and effective treatment to restore your skin’s youthful appearance.


PICO Genesis FX delivers ultra-short fractionated laser energy to create small, gentle micro-wounds in the upper layers of the skin to induce collagen stimulation and remodeling. With fractionated energy, the majority of the skin remains unharmed, resulting in faster healing time. With PICO Genesis FX, results can be achieved with higher safety margin and less downtime than traditional fractional resurfacing treatments.

Number of Treatments

The number of recommended treatments will vary based on the concern being treated. While some patients will see results after a single treatment, most need a series of 6 treatments.

Cost of Treatment

Prices may vary based on the area of treatment. Give our office a call for pricing. In the meantime, check out our ​monthly specials​ for any potential deals!


Q: What areas can be treated?

PICO Genesis treatments are ideal for the face, hands and other areas of the body with noticeable signs of sun damage and excess pigmentation.

Q: What can I expect during a PICO Genesis treatment and what does it feel like?

Prior to treatment, a medical assistant will clean the area. You will feel the tip of the laser device touch your skin. As the laser energy is applied, you’ll feel a sensation that patients often compare to an electric rain sensation. Most patients do not find the treatment uncomfortable, but if you do, your treatment provider may apply a topical anesthetic. Immediately after treatment, you may apply cold air or an ice pack for a short time. You should keep the treated area out of the sun and/or apply sunscreen for protection.

Q: What are the possible side effects?

Most patients experience mild redness and swelling immediately following the treatment. These side effects are temporary and typically resolve in several hours. Over the course of a few days, the treated sunspots and freckles will become darker and flake off as they heal, revealing a new, even complexion.

Q: Is there any downtime associated with the treatment?

Although you may experience mild redness and swelling for a few hours following the treatment, you can expect to return to your regular activities immediately following the treatment.